Sharon and American Girl doll Evette at the World by Us debut in the American Girl store. Sharon is the author of Evette’s story, The River and Me.
Sharon and American Girl doll Evette at the World by Us debut in the American Girl store. Sharon is the author of Evette’s story, The River and Me.
Sharon at a performance of her concert story “A Family for Baby Grand” with The Chappaqua Orchestra, conductor Michael Shapiro, composer Brad Ross and narrator Paul Shaffer! A grand time indeed! (orchestra photo credit: Carolyn Simpson)
Read the review here.
Our Pen panel at the Brooklyn Book Festival on Writing Historical Fiction was exciting!
The moderator, Fatima Shaik, asked provocative questions followed by questions from the audience. I enjoyed contributing to the discussion along with my fellow panelists.
The picture to the left is of all of us on the stage. I think we look quite serious! But then putting history on the page is a topic we take seriously.
You can get a closer look at our faces in this shot: (l. to r.) Moderator Fatima Shaik, Chris Soentpiet, Sharon Dennis Wyeth, Sean Qualls and Jeanette Winter.
After our panel, we stayed to sign books and to say “hi,” to people passing our table.