Sharon Dennis Wyeth

Pen Panel Success

Our Pen panel at the Brooklyn Book Festival on Writing Historical Fiction was exciting!

The moderator, Fatima Shaik, asked provocative questions followed by questions from the audience. I enjoyed contributing to the discussion along with my fellow panelists.




The picture to the left is of all of us on the stage. I think we look quite serious! But then putting history on the page is a topic we take seriously.








You can get a closer look at our faces in this shot: (l. to r.) Moderator Fatima Shaik, Chris Soentpiet, Sharon Dennis Wyeth, Sean Qualls and Jeanette Winter.

After our panel, we stayed to sign books and to say “hi,” to people passing our table.

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Cave Canem at Folger Theater

POETRY! Earlier this year, I read at the Folger Theater in D.C. with Cave Canem poets (pictured here.) On Oct 23 from 11:00-12:00, I’m honored to read my poetry again, representing CC at The Dodge Poetry Festival! Tickets through the Dodge website. Other details below.

Hear Cave Canem poets read at the world-renowned Dodge Poetry Festival, now celebrating 30 years. LeRonn P. Brooks is a poet and writer whose work has appeared in Callaloo, Bomb Magazine, The Village Voice and elsewhere. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Africana Studies at Lehman College. M’Bilia M. Meekers is an MFA candidate in poetry at New York University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The New Yorker, Guernica, Tinderbox and Poet Lore. Sharon Dennis Wyeth’s poetry explores themes of identity, trauma and the intersection of cultural memory and the unconscious. Her work has appeared in Cura Magazine, Squaw Valley Review, Drunken Boat and in multiple Cave Canem anthologies. Tickets available via the Dodge website.

Aljira, a Center for Contemporary Art
591 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Date and Time:
October 23, 11:00am – 12:00 pm

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Scholastic Summer Reading Road Trip!

Join me on the Scholastic Summer Reading Road Trip! I’ll be at Watchung Books in Montclair New Jersey on July 20 at 4:00PM. I’d love to see you there! For all road trip events, visit this link. #summerreading

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Sharon has a new book, The River and Me. Learn more at American Girl about Evette and her passion for nature!