Sharon Dennis Wyeth

A Letter of Thanks from a Marvelous Educator

I had a wonderful time visiting William B. Cruise Memorial School No. 11 for Read Across America.  As a special treat third graders were allowed to wear their pajamas to the assembly.  I only wish I’d worn mine!

Dear Sharon Dennis Wyeth,

Your visit to our school was a testament to the integrity and passion that you have instilled in your books. We were in awe of your ability to engage all of the students and inspire them to find their own connections within literature. The students have spoken of nothing but your visit and your exquisite books. We couldn’t boast enough about your ability to capture the audience and keep the students wanting more. I remember eight years ago when I received Something Beautiful as a gift; it now remains a permanent fixture in my library and a class favorite, as each one of us within this community can relate to its story. We still use this book to introduce various concepts in multiple content areas.

Recently, we introduced your new book, The Granddaughter Necklace, and it came as no surprise when our students were once again taken in by the perplexity and beauty of the message along with its historical relevance and vivid illustrations. We are glad to say that we are in the process of making these books available in each class’s library for our students’ and teachers’ use. Thank you so much for giving our students something to look up to and strive toward!


Ambar Vargas
Elementary School Teacher
William B. Cruise Memorial School No. 11

P.S. For Women’s History Month, we celebrated you! Attached are photos of just a couple of the bulletin boards that were created as a result of your visit, as well as a copy of our school’s most recent newsletter, which proudly features your visit. We are also mailing you some letters that our students wanted to write to you.

Ambar Vargas
“As educators, we must accept moral responsibility for improving instruction in order to improve student achievement”- Glickman
-Teaching is not just a gift; It’s a calling!

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My Very Own Library

At a recent visit to Newark Public Schools, Sharon spoke to elementary-school students and signed copies of The Granddaughter Necklace at book fairs sponsored by My Very Own Library and Scholastic Book Fairs.

“Thank you…You were fantastic!  The kids were really enthralled listening while you were presenting!  The gift you gave the children today was priceless!”

Johnny Y., General Manager, Northeast Region, Scholastic Book Fairs

“On behalf of the Foundation for Newark’s Future, MVOL, Scholastic Book Fairs, Peshiny Avenue School, Hawthorne Avenue School, and Chancellor Avenue School–just wanted to extend another HUGE THANKS AGAIN to you for playing such an important role inspiring so many Newark students this week.  We have heard wonderful feedback from your school visits–and have seen a ton of pictures filled with happy students smiling ear-to-ear!”

Shannon B., Project Director–My Very Own Library, Foundation for Newark’s Future

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CBC Diversity Blog

Q & A on Diversity with the Children’s Book Council
Here’s an excerpt from a recent interview posted on CBC Diversity.

Tell us about your most recent book and how you came to write it.

My most recent book is The Granddaughter Necklace. It’s a picture book based on family stories I collected from childhood on up. I am African American but discovered when I was an adult that my maternal line goes back to a woman in Ireland. This woman is featured in The Granddaughter Necklace along with six other generations in my maternal line. It’s a book I feel as if I’ve been writing my entire life.
Do you think of yourself as a diverse author?

For the major part of my career I’ve created books with protagonists of color. Primarily, because much of my work has its source in real life experiences I had growing up in the Black community. Early on, I also began to think very strongly about my readers and how important it was for those who were children of color to see protagonists of color in some of their literature. I also felt and continue to feel that it is equally valuable for the rest of our readers. So, yes, I would say that as an author I could be categorized as “diverse” (an African American becoming more and more diverse everyday now that I’ve discovered my Irish heritage and had my DNA traced back to tribes in Cameroon!). As a writer, diversity in literature is one of my missions and has characterized my career.

Who is your favorite character of all time in children’s or young adult literature?

Very difficult, since I now also teach Children’s Lit and have read so much good stuff. Yet again, I go back to my own formative reading years and say for children’s books: it’s a tie between two pigs. Wilbur in “Charlotte’s Web” and Freddy in the Albert Brooks series “Freddy the Pig.” Freddy was so resourceful and could do just about anything he set his mind to, even though he wasn’t a “human.” “Ramona” by Helen Hunt Jackson was a book written long before I was born but I found it by myself in the public library at around the age of ten. It’s young adult. That book was so important to me because Ramona was a girl of color and I’d never seen that in a book before. I found it all by myself and so identified with her! TO READ MORE

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